Monday, November 2, 2015

Music for Healing: Beethoven Concertos

I've started a YouTube channel that includes various playlists of classical music. Everything is intended to facilitate healing, so most of it is calming and relaxing. You can find the channel here.

Today, I'm posting the music of Beethoven, a composer whose music is generally considered quite rousing. But sometimes rousing is needed for healing. Stretching, for example, is rousing. So is exercise. Maybe a better word is invigorating.

The following playlist includes most of Beethoven's greatest concertos: the piano concertos nos. 4 and 5, the violin concerto, and the triple concerto. The symphonies might seem like a natural place to start (and I plan to post them at some point), but I find the concertos a little more inviting. Symphonies are big, cosmic, universal -- you can almost get left behind in the torrent of sound. But a concerto is different. A concerto is essentially a dialogue between soloist and orchestra, and that dialogue gives us something to focus on as listeners. Enjoy.

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