Monday, November 2, 2015

Day 9: Back on Track

Yesterday, I continued to eat an unregulated diet (brown rice pasta, broccoli, etc.), and after a day of severe neuropathy, I am confident in saying that foods rich in vitamin B6 do indeed worsen B6 toxicity symptoms. The neuropathy continued through the night, and it wasn't until this afternoon that I started to feel "normal" again.

Many sites recommend avoiding B6 foods, of course, but my hope was that the effect would be minimal. B6 foods make up a large portion of my diet, so going without them has been particularly difficult. There aren't many ways to combine asparagus, iceberg lettuce, and carrots into a satisfying meal. But as I've discovered, it's just not worth eating foods high in B6. The consequences are just too high.

Luckily, I have found a few good low-B6 recipes, and I will share them with you all at some point. This morning, for example, I had steamed rice with vegetables and pineapple, which wasn't bad at all. I've also been eating homemade bean soup. Beans do have some B6 in them, but I haven't had any issues with them yet.

In other news, I have stopped all supplements except vitamin D3. I also walked 5 miles yesterday and 3 miles today. To reiterate: Exercise is the only tool I've found that gives immediate relief from neuropathy.

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