Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Low-B6 Recipes: Bean Soup

Bean Soup
Beans aren't necessarily low in B6 (according to the USDA, a cup of pinto beans has about 0.39mg.) But they don't seem to trigger my symptoms in the same way that other foods do, and they can be quite filling even in small servings. That's why I like to combine beans with other foods to create a complete, low-B6 meal. This simple bean soup goes well with Spanish rice, roasted vegetables, and many other foods

Update (12/23/15): I've since had reactions to pinto beans, and I no longer consider them low in B6. Black beans seem to be altogether better.
  • 3 cups dry pinto beans
  • 6 cups water
  • 1/2 cup diced onion
  • 1/2 cup diced celery
  • 1 teaspoon salt
1. Soak beans overnight in 6 cups of water.
2. Strain beans the next day and replace with enough fresh water to rise about 1 inch above the beans.
3. In a large pot, add the beans, water, onion and celery and bring to a boil.
4. Lower to simmer and cook covered for 3 hours. Make sure the temperature isn't too high or the water can boil over. (If you prefer a thicker soup, then cook the beans uncovered for part of the duration. But watch them closely so they don't boil dry and burn.)
5. Serve with chopped green onion, grapes, salsa, or anything else you think would be good. Add salt to taste.

Served with green onion and a dollop of salsa.

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