Thursday, November 19, 2015

Day 23-26: Ping pong

I feel like a ping pong ball, bouncing back and forth between good and poor health. Currently I'm in the poor health phase -- I ate a lot of B6 foods yesterday and paid for it. My arms feel like they survived a nuclear war -- but just a few days earlier, I had no symptoms at all, I was starting to re-incorporate foods into my diet, and I was ready to claim victory over B6 and enter "post-recovery mode." Now all that has slipped away and I feel like I'm back at square one.

So what about those periods of good health? Over the course of my toxicity, I've had several. These periods typically last a few days, and they don't necessarily occur when I do everything right. For example, I went two or three days without exercising last week due to a stomach virus, but had no toxicity symptoms during that time. So maybe exercise isn't as important to recovery as I had thought. Or maybe the effects of not exercising just take a while to build up.

All I can say for certain is that yes, diet has a huge impact on toxicity symptoms. If you want to do yourself a favor, then eat as little B6 as possible, and don't be fooled by a few symptom-free days. The tide can change with just one meal.

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