Friday, October 30, 2015

Music for Healing: Mozart

Gramophone says that "Mozart's music has humanity, beauty, delicacy and an unmistakable reaching towards the sublime." Some studies have shown that Mozart's music has a positive effect on treating pain, depression, and other ailments:
The most beneficial music for the health of a patient is classical music, which holds an important role in music therapy. It has been shown that music composed by Bach, Mozart, and Italian composers is the most powerful in 'treating' patients. [...] Patients who would receive the most benefit from classical music include those with anxiety, depressive syndromes, cardiovascular disturbances, and those suffering from pain, stress, or sleep disturbances.
For me, Mozart is more relaxing than other composers. He brings a sense of calm and normalcy even when his music is quite frenetic. Here is a small selection of works:

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