Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Day 100+: No News is Good News

It's over 100 days since my toxicity began, and B6 toxicity has now taken a backseat in my life. That's a good thing, because it means that my symptoms are either fading or becoming more manageable.

For the most part, I don't experience neuropathy these days. If I spend a lot of time reading in bed, I will feel it in my elbows (because the bedsheets seems to irritate them), but other than that, the burning is a thing of the past.

I do still experience minor neurological symptoms, but they come and go. And they might not even be caused by the B6 -- they could be caused by vitamin deficiencies. That's why I've been increasing my intake of potassium (coconut water) and magnesium (pumpkin seeds), among other things.

So... am I fully recovered? No. If the neurological symptoms are caused by B6, then I still have some healing to do. And there's still the occasional neuropathy in my elbows. And I still haven't begun incorporating B6 foods back into my diet (and frankly, I'm afraid to). But for the most part, B6 toxicity isn't a major part of my life anymore.

I will continue to update this blog, but unless there's a major development in my recovery, the posts will be infrequent.


  1. Hi. Thank you for posting this blog. I seem to have overdosed on b6 as well. I used to take 20 mg of pyridoxine a day (comes included in a taurine supplement) for the last year with no problems. In that year I took a 50mg pyridoxine tablet once and got tingling in my legs and hands. I didn't think much of it and it went away by itself quickly. I still kept taking 10-20 mg. However the symptoms came back and only because I started taking p5p(Activated b6). I took 5mg, the first day, 12.5mg morning and night, and the third day I took 25mg morning and night. I am scared because it affected my thinking, balance and burning fingers. Luckily b12 has helped with my thinking. This happened this past weekend on Friday 3/4/16. Thankfully mine is not as bad and because I did a lot of research and had it before. This time however its not going away. Its scary. I read that omega 3 helps heal and protect the nerves from damage. Also maybe taurine helped prevent nerve damage? I mean I was fine until I took a large dose of a supposedly safe b6 (p5p). P5p is not safe. So I will have to look for another brand of taurine. I will keep commenting on your blog if I find something that helps.

    1. Hi Jadiel
      Have you gotten any relief yet? Are you taking any new supplements/meds to relieve your pain?

    2. Hi lakehouse49. It's been 3 weeks since I took my last b6 supplement. The first 2 weeks I had really bad brain fog. I had brain fog before from a congested liver and anxiety. The B6 incidence made it a LOT worse. What helped my brain fog was taking b12 (I take cyanocobalamin as methycobalamin makes me sick) along with potassium(be careful with this, read the dangers about taking this) and magnesium. I also took liver detox supplement that had inositol (vit B8 which is helps regulate adrenaline), milk thistle, dandelion root and phosphatidylcholine. I believe that adrenaline is the cause of your upper back pain and the impairment of your thought process. The feeling of walking on a rope bridge are symptoms of peripheral neuropathy which is what you may have. I noticed that when I woke up in the morning dizzy it was because my neck, back and shoulder muscles were tense. I massaged them and it went away. I would recommend Inositol for your brain. I also take taurine for my mind because it helps it slow down my racing mind but since the first time I got the tingling I was taking it so I'm hoping it helps. As far as the pain in my hands I have not found anything to work except staying away from B6 foods (potatoes, cereal, eggs ect) and not drinking alcohol too much. My pain was going away nicely around the second week and I decided to get really drunk(wasted). The next morning my arms were hurting like crazy. It's been a week later my hands still feel like plastic with little pain. I also sleep with my arms straight out because if I close them the tingling comes back. I take it back. Don't drink alcohol! I just had a beer right now and the symptoms are coming back. Do your best to avoid alcohol. Also now that I remember something did help with the pain. I took some phenylalanine along with olive leaf extract. They increase dopamine so I guess the pain is less noticeable. Be careful with those supplements because phenylalanine can also increase adrenaline which is what you don't want and olive leaf extract kills bacteria, viruses, parasites, ect so you may get bad reactions while its killing any bad things. If your healthy you should have no problem.

  2. I feel God has led me to this blog...i am not sure if everything i am experiencing has to do with b6 toxicity but my blood work on 3/11/2016 showed my b6 at has me freaked out because I have been becoming less mobile than my normal energetic self. I stumble occasionally and can not walk as fast as I used to. My thought process is impaired for sure. I also have pain in my upper back. I have had mri's to make sure there are no tumors. I saw a nutritionist yesterday that took a blood test for allergens and food sensitivities. I am gluten sensitive for sure having had that test several years ago. I have so many questions for you all....have you had heart palpitations, shortness of breath and feeling of walking on a rope bridge? I know there are so many ways this can present itself but I feel so disparate to figure out how to best handle this. Is there a definitive website on lowest foods in b6??
    Since my thinking is impaired I find myself literally going in circles...anxiety is certainly a part of this.
    Any help is much appreciated.

    1. Hi would like to also say to stop taking any supplements with B6 like multivitamins and get the vitamins separately in case your doctors wants you to take them. Also research what foods have b6 and stay away from them. I forgot to add that bananas are one of the worst b6 foods as they contain a high dose of b6. One more thing to add is that you should 1. Get a back massage or work with a chiropractor to release the tension on your back. You may feel more anxiety after the massage as for me my muscles and tendons hold what I feel is adrenaline and the massage releases the adrenaline back into my blood. 2. Meditate in a quiet and dark place. Take deep breaths (shallow breathing doesn't work as well to relax) and allow your thoughts to flow freely in your mind without focusing on any one of them. 3. Get some supplements like zinc picolinate, magnesium citrate, possibly potassium citrate, inositol (B8), niacinamide (B3), and vitamind D3 if your low. All of these a relaxing supplements and if your low on any of these they can cause anxiety.

    2. Do you take all that vitamins at once?

  3. Hi lakehouse! I'm sorry to hear about your symptoms. It sounds like you could be suffering from B6 toxicity. I encourage you to join the B6 toxicity Facebook group linked on the sidebar. You will get faster and more responses there.

    The tricky thing about B6 toxicity is that it's very under-researched, so all of us are faced with tackling it on our own or as a group. The good news is that you can contribute to our understanding of B6 toxicity just by sharing your story. The more information we have, the better we can understand B6 toxicity and how to treat it. For the most part, I find that diet and exercise are very effective.

  4. I've been diagnosed with b6 toxicity also and I had tingling on my both Doctor told me not to take vit with b6 anymore.after 4 months that i stopped taking vit with b6 the tingling was gone.But when i ate brown rice the tingling came back again..can anybody tell me what foods are good for b6 toxicity patient pls..

  5. I've been diagnosed with b6 toxicity also and I had tingling on my both Doctor told me not to take vit with b6 anymore.after 4 months that i stopped taking vit with b6 the tingling was gone.But when i ate brown rice the tingling came back again..can anybody tell me what foods are good for b6 toxicity patient pls..

  6. Brown rice is one of the highest B6 foods. Definitely avoid it. I rely on the USDA website for nutrition information. If you search for "B6 in bananas" or any other food in Google, it will give you an answer based on the USDA, with a link to the USDA website. Good luck!

    1. Thank you for your message Thomas..I don't eat brown rice anymore..Sometimes I already feel hopeless because almost all foods have vit b6..

  7. Wow...i'm so glad i found this blog!
    my b6 levels are way too high and i have so much troubles with my memory and with thinking in general.
    i took large dosages of b6 18 months ago and still haven't recovered.
    all the best to you guys
