Thursday, January 7, 2016

Preventing Vitamin Deficiencies: Taking B6 out of your diet takes out a lot of other things too

One of the struggles of dealing with B6 toxicity is avoiding vitamin deficiencies. Unfortunately, when you take B6 out of your diet, you inadvertently take out a lot of other things too. Over the past few weeks, I've had to closely monitor my diet and make adjustments in order to cover all the bases.

The biggest trouble-spots for me have been calcium, magnesium, potassium, and niacin. Thankfully, I've found good solutions for most of these. For calcium, I drink soy milk. For potassium, I eat dried apricots. And for niacin, I eat peanut butter (1-4 tablespoons a day).

Yes, these things aren't exactly low in B6, but I make sure to spread them out over the day so my body has time to flush it out.

The best way to prevent a vitamin deficiency is to monitor your nutrient intake. You can do this with several free online tools -- just do a search for diet trackers. You will have to log everything you eat, which is time-consuming, but if you have B6 toxicity, it's worth it. A few times now, I have developed the beginnings of vitamin deficiencies, and if I hadn't been expecting such a possibility, the symptoms might have progressed much further than they did. Since I started tracking my diet, I've felt much more secure and less anxious overall. Knowing I'm not vitamin deficient is one less thing to worry about.


  1. Man thanks so much for these posts. Who knows how many people you've helped out. I'm experiencing b6 toxicity due to lyme disease and a gene mutation. Literally mine is so severe right now that I cant eat anything but egg white without feeling awful again. The only things that help are exercise, hot showers, caffeine,benzos and alcohol which help clear it faster. I'm sacrificing other vitamins and weight loss to at least get to a point where I can eat other stuff. The solution is to get the liquid form of the other b vitamins, and magnesium and zinc. But there's no need for b12 as it can be stored in the body and folate can be a stored a bit but if you have a certain gene mutation then you need more of it.

  2. What I forgot is drinking water, and that vitamin b6 can actually be stored in the body. Also exercise only really helps if you exercise hard enough to sweat. That's why hot showers are so helpful. Hope this will help others.

  3. Also fasting works as well but you have to be careful not to over do it. And if you do make sure to get the b vitamins and minerals in individual form you need in liquid form and have egg whites so you can eat something. If you do this, exercise incredibly hard each day, take multiple hot showers, and carefully alternate caffeine, alcohol, and benzos you can recover in a week or two. Otherwise it could take months or longer. And when your appetite comes back don't give in or you will set yourself back a day or two. Hope this helps

  4. And for fucks sake whatever you do don't smoke weed or your appetite will come back with a vengence, you will eat whatever is in your fridge and pantry, and when the weed wears off you probably be in pain and have set yourself back a few days to a week. It depends on how severe your b6 toxicity is and what other conditions may be making it worse.

  5. Haha I also forgot that if you choose to incorporate alcohol in your recovery from this it has to be pure liquor. Beer and Wine have b6 in them believe it or not. But yeah I think benzos and caffeine are better options but you have to be careful. If you choose benzos, keep it at two to three times a week in higher doses, 2 - 5mg. 1mg every 15 minutes if you take it sublingually. The last thing you need is a benzo addiction on top of b6 toxicity. And for caffeine, black tea or coffee are good options but keep it at 3 to 9 cups over the course of a day and try to avoid more than three days in a row because a caffeine addiction is bad too. And be aware these things will deplete your other b vitamins and minerals as well. Drinking Water is the safest method for sure to combine with exercise, hot showers, fasting and avoiding everything but egg whites if you are trying to recover quickly.
